AWS — Access, CLI, Access Key, CloudShell,Roles , Security Tools
How to access AWS?
- AWS Management Console: Protected by your username, password, and multifactor authentication.
- AWS CLI, Command Line Interface: Protected by access keys.
- AWS Software Development Kit: For Code, Protected by access keys.
AWS CLI is a tool that allows you to interact with the AWS services using commands from your command-line shell.
You get direct access to the public APIs of your AWS services.
CLI, you can develop scripts.
AWS SDK stands for Software Development Kit, this is a set of library, this is going to be language specific, so you’re going to have an SDK for different programming languages.
You embed within your application that you have to code.
How to Create an Access Key :
- Go to User >> click on the user
- Click on Security Credential
3. Scorl down and select Access key >> Create access key
4. Once the Access and Secret keys are created, you can access/download them only once.
Configure AWS CLI
aws configure
To check
aws iam list-users
AWS CloudShell:
Supported AWS Regions for AWS CloudShell
AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell that you can use to manage AWS services using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) and a range of pre-installed development tools.
There are multiple advantages of Cloud Shell.
IAM Roles for Service:
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles are tools you create to give specific permissions to trusted users and applications, allowing them to perform tasks in AWS.
The Role is Created for the Service — EC2 — Access:Read-only
IAM Security Tool:
1. IAM Credentials Report (Account Level ):
This report will contain all your account users and the status of their various credentials.
Inside the report, you can check User, ARN , User creation time, Password enables, password last used, Password last changed, Password next rotation, MFA Active, Access are gereneted or not- last rotated, last used.
2. IAM Access Advisor (User Level):
Access Advisor will show the service permissions granted to a user and when those services were last accessed.
You can use this information to revise your policies.
Go to User >> Click on User>> Click on Access Advisor
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